Market situation and development trend of die casting die industry at home and abroad

China's die-casting die industry has developed rapidly, and the total output has increased significantly. The total output of domestic die-casting die is only next to the United States, which has leaped to the second place in the world and become a big die-casting country worthy of its name. This achievement is mainly due to China's unique vast market and relatively low resource and labor force advantages, has been very obvious in the International Die Casting trade market has occupied a greater advantage, according to the situation, the future of China's die casting industry development prospects are very broad.

Although the die casting mould of our country has made a great breakthrough during the "11th Five-Year" period. But its international popularity ranking is still behind, and the production is also increasing, but most die-casting molds are only for domestic demand. Because of the restriction of technology, it is difficult to break through the quality. At the same time, some large-scale domestic demand enterprises also frequently extend olive branch to foreign die-casting mold enterprises. The serious trade deficit makes the domestic die-casting enterprises difficult.

Status quo of International Die Casting Mold

With the increasingly fierce competition in the international die-casting mold market, Japanese die-casting mold industry is also trying to reduce production costs. In terms of market size, Japan's recession is the most obvious in terms of output value or domestic demand. Japanese mold manufacturers pay more attention to polishing and abrasive processing technically, while German mold manufacturers start with improving the accuracy and efficiency of machining and EDM to reduce the time of manual processing. Japan's die-casting die industry is gradually shifting from low-tech molds to low-manpower areas to produce only high-tech products at home. Japan's accelerated transfer to foreign countries has reduced the use of die-casting molds in Japan.

Analysis of factors affecting the development of die casting industry in China

The main reasons that restrict the development of die casting industry in China are:

First, there are still many deficiencies in the use of domestic die casting dies.

Second, the backward technology is the development of China's die casting mold industry has been greatly hindered.

Third, the supporting system of China's die casting industry is also not perfect.

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